I never get to tell you what I really need to say
How I can to hold you each and everyday
you mean more to me than words can express
Without you my life would be a total mess
As I look in to your eyes, and your perfect face
I know there will be anyone can't take ur place
No matter what problems we may go through
That place in my heart will always be for you
If I am having hard time letting you in
It's because I have played the game, and never win
Your love means so much to me
I just don't know how to make you see
How I can to hold you each and everyday
you mean more to me than words can express
Without you my life would be a total mess
As I look in to your eyes, and your perfect face
I know there will be anyone can't take ur place
No matter what problems we may go through
That place in my heart will always be for you
If I am having hard time letting you in
It's because I have played the game, and never win
Your love means so much to me
I just don't know how to make you see
Romantis abis euy...
BalasHapuskalimatnya bagus.penyusunannya juga.jago bahasa inggris euy.salam kenal
BalasHapusPuitis banget mbak
BalasHapusandaikan aku yg dicium
gimana ya??
datang aku disini... hai lam kenal... wuehhh mas erik dah nyampe sini yakkk
BalasHapushaduh... aku kelepek-kelepek sendiri..
BalasHapustoloooo, anybody loves me... plis heeeelp...
Hancrit..... sangar banget puisinya. Mbak penyamun generation two ini.... wkwkwkwkwk.......
BalasHapusFiuh.... sangar abiz.......
his poetry is very romantic ....
BalasHapusWho is your idol ...
I want to become a person
its kern ya ...salam kenal mbak...,
BalasHapussalam kenal bu..
BalasHapustau blog ini dari sang penyamun. seneng ya bisa di promosiin ma penyamunnya blog hehheheh...
Nice posst, mba. Bagus banget, sangat puitis and kayaknya bakat banget jadi penyair....makasih mba, salam kenal and sucess.
Inspirasi dan Peluang Bisnis
bagus bu...aku jg lg blajar2 nulis puisi
BalasHapuswalaahh bisa briga jadiin lagu neeh...., sayang kaga ngarti english englisan,...!!!
BalasHapusi don't know
BalasHapushmm..cinta memang indah. apalagi cinta ibu pada anaknya.
BalasHapusdoh ngomongin apa sih
BalasHapuspalagi ndak ada kamus primbon gini xixi
Maniss :D